SeaMonkey deutsch News - News-Beitrag vom 01.02.2000, verfasst von KaiRo
M13 Bugs gemeldet
Einige Bugs berichtet, die ich bei der Arbeit an M13 gefunden habe:
- 26050 "ValidateNumberX" is hard to localise
- 26057 pref-diskspace.dtd: component order needs to be changeable
- 26067 pref-colors.dtd: positioning is l10n incompatible
- 26070 pref-winsetting.dtd: reuseExp.label needs two lines, has one
- 26076 Two small Pref string problems: Proxies & Smart Browsing
- 26050 "ValidateNumberX" is hard to localise
- 26057 pref-diskspace.dtd: component order needs to be changeable
- 26067 pref-colors.dtd: positioning is l10n incompatible
- 26070 pref-winsetting.dtd: reuseExp.label needs two lines, has one
- 26076 Two small Pref string problems: Proxies & Smart Browsing